Crown House


Comprehensive support tailored to meet the diverse needs and preferences of our residents.

Crown House Services

CareGiving often calls us to lean into love we didn't know possible

Giving care is everything people needs to lives an Awesome Life!

Crown House

We are dedicated to providing a lifestyle of comfort, happiness and independence that redefines the perception of residential care for the elderly. The whole team at “Crown House Care Home” are here to ensure a comfortable and enjoyable stay.

Everyone is employed for their naturally caring attitude and then fully trained in the “Crown House Care Home”. Testament to everyone’s dedication and hard work is the high number of thank you cards received.

Our quality and standard of services really do make a difference to our residents’ lives.

Quality of life

Crown House will provide a comfortable, relaxed, clean and happy environment where there will be encouragement and support by the manager Provider and their trained staff so to continue and develop the residents activities within the home and community and to maintain and improve their living skills.

To provide an environment where older people are respected and valued and where the ethnic and cultural diversity of older people and staff working at the home are celebrated.

Crown house employs their own physiotherapist which helps to encourage our residents to maintain independence with their mobility for as long as possible and to prevent any falls. We encourage residents to take a full and active part in decisions about daily living arrangements.

Make an Enquiry

Reach out to us for more information or to discuss your care needs.

Request a Brochure

Discover our services and facilities with detailed information.